Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

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Your wedding day is going to be one of the most memorable days ever! You will have all your family and friends gathered together to witness the occasion. Your rehearsal is the beginning of the festivities for the weekend. This is when the couple, wedding party, parents, and officiant gather in the ceremony space to rehearse for the big day. You will also want to have anyone that may be reading, singing, or playing an instrument to attend the rehearsal as well. You will begin at the front of the space and determine everyone’s position during the ceremony. The officiant may go over the different parts of the service so everyone knows what to expect. The entire wedding party and parents then will practice walking out of the space. At this point you will want everyone to line up in the back of the space so there is no question of what everyone is doing wedding day. After everyone is lined up, start the music!! Practice walking in as if it was the real thing, walk slowly, chin up, eyes forward and smile. It may take a few practices until everyone is comfortable and confident with their places. Like everyone always says…. “Practice makes perfect.” This is no exception! When the music starts on your wedding day you can be sure that everything will be perfect!
~ RR Wedding Team

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