6 Ways to Calm Wedding Day Jitters

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Your big day is approaching much faster than you anticipated, and while you’re beyond excited there’s a few nerves building up. Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone! Anyone who’s been there completely understands; here’s a few things you can do to help calm down your wedding day jitters!

Have Everything Prepared the Week of Your Wedding

The week before your wedding is the time to finalize all details, drop off your decor and prepare all of your personal items! If you’re creating an emergency kit for your wedding day have this ready to go, and have your attire, accessories, and any other personal items packed. Having everything done prior to will make the day of run so much smoother! 

Get a Good Night's Sleep

Rest is so so important! Be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night prior to your wedding. This will help you feel reenergized and ready to take on your wedding day! If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try drinking tea, running a diffuser, or playing calming music. 

Remember, Eating is a Must

With all the craziness of your big day, eating can easily be pushed to the side. Don’t let this happen! Food is fuel and is super important especially on a long day. Eat healthy foods that will keep you energized and feeling fresh. Avoid messy foods and salty foods to avoid being extra thirsty throughout the day. 

Drink Some Water!

Just like eating, sometimes making sure you are drinking water is also pushed to the backburner. Be sure to get enough water in you to keep you hydrated! Here at the Rusty Rail we stock your getting ready suites with water for your convenience. 

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Your wedding day timeline will have already been created months prior to your wedding and for a good reason! Having your timeline prepared will be a great guide to follow on the day of your wedding to keep you on track and to avoid any mishaps. Talk to your wedding planner if you have any questions or concerns with your timeline, they’re there to help you! Talking to any vendors such as your photographer and makeup artist is also a great idea to keep everyone on the same page.

Keep it Light

On the morning of your wedding day, keep it light! You’ll have some of the people that are closest to you right by your side helping you along the way. Enjoy your time with them and laugh a little! Play fun music or watch videos or your favorite TV show while getting ready. Don’t be afraid to incorporate whatever you love into your morning of (this is your big day you know)! 

~RR Wedding Team

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